Why Consistency in Marketing is Important

Video Marketing Minute - Guest Nedra Razinas of Nedra Razinas Consulting talks about why consistency in marketing is so importantl


so welcome to the video marketing minute I thought I would um shift things up and and interview some of my friends who are thought leaders uh in in their area so um this is NRA rosinus and I'm gonna actually let you introduce your business because I know that um you had a little ship lately so tell me about that yeah I've moved more into the role of a educator coach and consultant around marketing because I was seeing that you know I was coming from a web design background I was seeing a lot of people struggle with just Marketing in general not just the website the website's just one piece of it so um I'm able to basically take someone that's usually been in business for one to two years that they know they need to make some changes in their marketing to be able to you know take it take it to the next level or achieve the goals that they're wanting to do and um able to create what's I call a custom 90-day road map maybe talk a little bit about why it's important to keep marketing uh especially when cash flow is stopping what happens I mean it's it's just it's all about being consistent you know so many uh I've had this too in my business for they'll it's like a roller coaster ride you're you're getting a lot of leads in they translate to clients you're on this great you know path of of bringing in money and bringing in work and then you get so busy you're just you just forget about marketing and then all of a sudden you go you finish up those clients you get into that slope of like oh now I'm on the downside of that roller coaster where I don't have any work but I haven't been putting myself out there so it's all about finding systems that are sustainable that you can do along with maybe a virtual assistant or a social media person or someone else that can be helping you um put that you know have something out there constantly so it's not just a feast or famine kind of situation that's I think consistency is not exactly sexy or exciting but it does the job that's so great I think we need like mugs and tote bags and t-shirts that say that it's so helpful to have a list of trusted partners and resources and if you happen to have a coral sweater like Nedra and I do and you are in marketing you are happy to join our club so just reach out to n and myself and make sure you bring your coral sweater uh because clearly that's a


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